Scotland will meet the equivalent of 100% of Scotland’s own electricity demand from renewable resources by 2020.

UK Energy Secretary Ed Davey told the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee fuel bills would rise substantially in Scotland if it became independent.

Mr Davey was giving evidence to the committee as it conducted the final session on its inquiry into the Scottish government’s renewable energy targets, on 20 June 2012.

The main target is that Scotland will meet the equivalent of 100% of Scotland’s own electricity demand from renewable resources by 2020.

He said, as a result of an independent Scotland, “there is no doubt there would be increases in energy bills in Scotland, not in pence and pounds but in tens of pounds.”

Consumers across the UK currently subsidise renewable energy through the UK government, said Mr Davey.

The UK energy secretary also said that climate change was “too dangerous” for any government to hitch their wagon to only renewable technology.

Mr Davey said it was important to have a framework to bring forward the most efficient low carbon technologies and there should be a mix of technologies including nuclear.

He said the reforms being made in the forthcoming UK Energy bill will allow the markets to decide which are the best low carbon technologies.

The energy secretary said the reforms “are really good for renewables”.

Energy Minister Fergus Ewing MSP then gave evidence to the committee, which will be available to view below:

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